Sunday, January 16, 2011


This article was written in response to the movie 2012. The movie 2012 is a “new age movement” concept. The new age movement believes that drastic and cataclysmic changes will occur on earth signaling the end of an era, or possibly the end of the world in 2012. The end of the world as predicted by the sages of the Mayan civilization and the false prophets of the ancient and modern times in the light of modern science cannot be true.
As the bible foretold in the past no one not even the angels in heaven  knows when or how the world will end, except those written in the gospels of the new testament whereby Christ taught his disciples concerning the end of times. (And) to the doubting Thomas who believes that the world will end soon (in 2012) let me tell you this: “your world ends the moment you stop believing in God."

The movie 2012 is another scheme designed by the devil. The devil who is the father of all lies and master of deceit has conditioned the mind of the people drawing so much attention creating paranoia, fear and anxiety among multitudes of people around the world while his hidden agenda is concealed. If you have noticed the prevalent subjects of the movies today whether it is locally produced or produced in Hollywood - these are sex, violence, war, corruption, the destruction of life in general and all kinds of immoral and evil acts which are synchronize geared towards the corruption of the innocence of youth, the contamination of the educated minds and the decline of morals in our society which will eventually lead to chaos and the destruction of the Christian community.            

The hidden motive of the makers of the movie 2012 is plain and simple. They wanted to gain profit, create public opinion, panic and anxiety among the people in our society and discredit God as he is - the only judge of the universe. For it is through the wisdom of God that the world was made. Henceforth, it’s only proper to assert that God has the exclusive right and authority to be the sole judge of the world. Thus, only God knows when or how the world will end. Moreover, let me ask you this question: Have you discovered the key to the mystery of life, or have you come to know the mind of God? For even if you read the entire bible from the book of Genesis to the Revelation of St. John such wisdom only suggest a little glimpse of the Divine God.
The very purpose of life is to seek God, to know him, to serve him and to love him as he has loved us. And these tasks impose a very difficult situation on our part because we can never comprehend the fullness of the infinite God.  The human mind is finite and limited and therefore it is impossible for man to fully understand the very nature of God. Nonetheless, it was St. Augustine who wrote that "if you can understand God, then He cannot be God." Yet, with respect to St. Augustine's view such argument can never be plausible because we have not been abandoned by  God as orphans. Meaning, in his great compassion Jesus Christ our Lord send to us the Holy Spirit to sanctify us and to be our advocate. And understanding is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Henceforth, if the Holy Spirit would give man the gift of understanding then there is no doubt that man would understand God. As Jesus said in the gospel to his apostles, "For man it is impossible but for God nothing is impossible." For this reason, the only way we can fully understand God is through divine inspiration which means God reveals himself to us through the Holy Spirit. As Abraham, Moses and the biblical prophets have seen God through divine inspiration where the embodiment of God was revealed in a human voice, or in human form such in the case of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Word that was made flesh. In other words, it is impossible for the Mayan civilization, or the false prophets of the ancient and modern times to fully comprehend and predict precisely the end of times when by knowledge and faith they don't know God. Hence, we can only comprehend the fullness and the reality of God and his divine revelations including the end of times if he chooses to reveal himself to us -- that is if we have a clean mind and a pure heart. Finally, to speak without reservation that the end of the world is near as predicted by the new age movement supported by the recent discoveries of modern science is simply ridiculous and obscure.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I work for the PeaceJam Foundation and we have been working with Mayan Nobel Peace Laureate Rigoberta Menchu Tum for 15 years.

    We recently completed a documentary called 2012: The True Mayan Prophecy (49 minutes) and it features actual Mayans including Rigoberta Menchu Tum - the 1992 Nobel Peace Laureate. Everyone puts words in Mayan's mouths but what did they really say? Not only do we have Rigoberta delivering the truth, but her Elders and Shamans, too. The doc also features the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu speaking of what 2012 will bring us. Answers can be found here

    Each view of this documentary costs USD $1.99. In this country you can't buy a Big Mac for that price. The money raised will benefit the PeaceJam Foundation and the Rigoberta Menchu Tum Foundation.

    Or you can watch Sting and his friends discuss 2012 for USD $30.

    Can you let your readership know about this?


    Ivan Suvanjieff
    PeaceJam Foundation
    11200 Ralston Rd
    Arvada CO 80004
    303 455-2099
