Sunday, September 5, 2010


In my heart there's a heavenly kingdom (a kingdom of love, a kingdom of peace, a kingdom of forgiveness) where God is enthroned as the sovereign ruler, the King of kings. More often great battles happen in the battlefield of the mind between good and evil, between truth and lies, between love and hate, between reason and faith. And when the forces of light succumbed to the foreign legions of darkness as led by the devil, they withdrew back to the kingdom of the heart to defend the kingdom and protect the sovereign ruler - the King of kings. 

Following the defeat of the forces of light in the mental faculties, a new great battle occurs in the kingdom of the heart. Whenever the throne of the great and mighty King is in imminent danger, the "great warrior prince" named Michael arises with his shining armor: "the belt of truth, the breastplate of justice and the zeal as his shoes to propagate the Gospel of peace. While his left hand holds the shield of faith and his head protected by the helmet of salvation, his right hand holds the sword of the Spirit, that is, the Word of God." (Ephesians 6:13-17). As the trumpets blast in the twelve corners of the kingdom the great warrior prince Michael marshal the forces of goodness, justice and peace - where the angels, the martyrs and the saints gather together to fight in combat and banish the devil and his cohorts of darkness. 

After the enemies were subdued in the battlefield of the heart they withdraw back into the battlefield of the mind to make their last stand. Thereafter, an apocalyptic battle occurrs in the battlefield of the mind where the devil and his demons were finally extinguished. Then there comes a great feast and celebration of victory followed by the jubilation and the tears of joy of the redeemed. A dying soul and fading light was finally brought to life. The songs of praises and the words of thanksgiving echoed low in the firmament of heaven. While gazing at the sky, a bright light shone upon my face as I was embraced by the light. And in the universe of the mind the Trinitarian God set His throne high above the firmament of heaven as guarded by the four huge white holy cross. Beneath these four holy crosses were the four sacred creatures of the gospel - the Winged Face of the Holy Man, the Sacred Eagle in flight, the Sacred Ox and the Sacred Lion - all four creatures singing in adoration days and nights unceasingly repeating "Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Pleni sunt caeli et terra gloria tua. Hosanna in excelsis. Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. Hosanna in excelsis." (Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord the God of Hosts...). 


"Aim for the moon because even if you miss the moon you’ll land among the stars."  
I don't have the information as to the identity of the person who wrote this quotation, but the above quotation is quite appealing to me. Symbolically, the "full-moon" represents Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar . Upon the other hand, the "Stars" symbolize the Patriarchs, the Prophets, the Apostles, the Martyrs, the Saints and the Heavenly Angels of God. Noticeably,  the moon is closer to us than the stars. And the same goes with God. Christ Jesus is closer to us than the Angels and the Saints in heaven. While the Angels and the Saints can help us attain salvation through Jesus Christ and guide us to Paradise...however, they cannot save us. Only God can save us, and forgive our debts. So whenever we pray, we should pray to the God who is unseen (e.g. in reference to the teachings of Jesus Christ on prayer as found in the gospel of St. Matthew); and imitate our way of life with the Lord. For in the final analysis even if we fail and missed the moon, rest assured we’ll land among the Stars -- in Heaven. 


"Ugly politicians make dirty politics." Cleaning the Church is not an easy task. For evil has deeply penetrated the very structures of the Catholic Church. When the Church condones the evil acts of demons (e.g. those leaders and members of the Church who were involved in corruption, immorality, homosexually etc.) hiding in sacred cloaks and white habits, then the Church is in great danger. And when the rules and traditions of the old Church from the very beginning were bent, changed or reinvented to compensate the needs of the changing times and the cultures of the modern world. Then the Church is in great peril of being separated from God and the apostles who were the first among those the Holy Eucharist was first instituted. 

Where there is politics in the Church, there are also corruption and immorality. God doesn’t like politicians especially in the Catholic Church. This is because the very root of politics is evil. There was a time in heaven when the first politician, LUCIFER, made his political campaign against GOD. He seduced one-third of the Angels in heaven by his pride, malice, dirty politics and willful disobedience to God. But God doesn’t like politicians like Lucifer. And so a Civil War broke out in Heaven and Lucifer and his fallen angels were defeated and were thrown down to earth. Today, God is calling every devout Catholic to reform the Church by looking back to its very roots from the very beginning...


As we came across the golden mile
We waved our hands and bid each other goodbye
At the end of the tunnel there's a beautiful light
At the time of birth we are embraced by the light
At the time of death we dreamt to survive
At the time of war I see children - crying, asking, wondering WHY?

The Reason:

It's no economics
It's no politics
It's no religion
Or scientific advances

The World Leaders:

They claim to be bold, so wise, and so old
Powerful, intelligent, undefiable
But they failed to settle their differences
By peaceful solutions, or by diplomatic talks

So they bomb one another
Killing each other
While I see the children crying, asking, wondering WHY?

Check out this video: In the Eyes of a Child by Air Supply

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