Sunday, January 9, 2011

On Angelic Wings

How far is heaven from earth, and how can we get there? Do Angels have wings as described in the bible? Or, What do Angels and Saints have in common? Well, the answer to these questions are pretty simple and you need not be a theologian in order to figure them out. The truth is Angels and Saints do have wings. Yes, they have wings but different from the ordinary birds or winged creatures. Strictly speaking I am referring to the kind of wings that can reach the infinite. Yes, the infinite or God. Here I am talking particularly about "faith and reason". The reason, or the human intellect is a gift of God to humanity. Similarly faith is also God’s gift. Both are necessary in the history of creation in order for man to reach the infinite, or heaven. The former (e.g. human reason) being finite in nature pertains to the corporeal body. While the latter (e.g. faith) has something to do with the soul or the spiritual body.

All men were endowed by God with reason or understanding, but not with faith. Faith is the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is the grace of God given to man trusting in the divine revelations of God as history unfolds. Faith has its own way of understanding things apart from the intellect. It is said that Satan lost his faith when he rebelled against God but retains his reason, or his intellect. Yet Satan could not reach the infinite with the aid of reason alone. He needed both wings (faith and reason) in order for him to take flight and reach the dwelling place of God.

When I was in college my philosophy professor taught us that great ideas such as the concepts of love, life and the afterlife are like unclaimed treasures hanging by the clouds. And in order for us to reach them we need both wings in order to fly.  

As a Catholic I am convinced that in order for me to reach the infinite God in heaven I need to carefully exercise my faith and reason in the light of the apostolic teachings of the Catholic Church. Otherwise without the guidance of the mother Church I might go  head first straight down to hell. Noticeably, faith and reason will surely help the believer in shading light to the mysteries told by the prophets long ago about God. So as early as now let us start learning to fly by spreading our "Angelic Wings" in the light of the teachings of the Catholic Church. As the saying goes, “you’ll never know what heights you can soar until you spread your wings."

Check out this video from Kenny G. feat. Yolanda Adams - I BELIEVE I CAN FLY

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