Monday, June 27, 2011


When I think of Heaven, I think of God and his angels.

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the Immaculate Mother of God, Mary Most Holy, the Queen of Angels

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the celestial Choir of Seraphim

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the celestial Choir of Cherubim

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the celestial Choir of Thrones

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the celestial Choir of Dominions

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the celestial Choir of Powers

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the celestial Choir of Virtues

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the celestial Choir of Principalities

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the celestial Choir of Archangels

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the celestial Choir of Angels

-When I think of Heaven, I think of Michael, Gabriel and Raphael

-When I think of Heaven, I think of my guardian Angel

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the Holy Communion of Patriarchs

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the Holy Communion of Prophets

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the Holy Communion of Apostles

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the Holy Communion of Martyrs and Saints

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the people on earth who are poor in spirit

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the people on earth who mourn

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the people on earth who are meek

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the people on earth who hunger and thirst for righteousness

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the people on earth who are merciful

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the people on earth who are clean of heart

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the people on earth who are peacemakers

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the people on earth who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the Vicar of the Church, the Pope

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the Holy Communion of Cardinals

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the Holy Communion of Bishops and the clergy

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the Holy Communion of Monks

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the Holy Communion of Hermits

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the Holy Communion of Deacons and Seminarians

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the Holy Communion of Nuns and other Religious Orders

-When I think of Heaven, I think of the Holy Communion of Believers

Finally, When I think of Heaven, I think of my Home and my family, and the people who live there. =)

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