Saturday, March 9, 2013


It was in the month of November 2011, when I started to write on a  piece of paper the impeccable lessons I learned from reading the "Letters of St. Paul to the Romans." The following are the "25 Impeccable Lessons" I learned from the Letters of St. Paul to the Romans, Chapter 12 (some insights were added as inspired by the "Lectio Divina":
1)*Do not be blinded by worldly delights. Do not let yourself be shaped or influenced by the world where you live.
2)*Life is always in constant repair. Be transformed through the renewal of your mind. Renew your life everyday.
3)*Discern the "Will" of God: What is pleasing, good, and perfect.
4)*Do not be pretentious. Be honest in person inside-out.
5)*Do not be a judge to your neighbor. Stop being judgmental to others.
6)*Stay sober and alert. Practice moderation especially in food and drinks.
7)*Sincerely, be concerned for the good of others.
8)*Be humble and compassionate in dealing with others especially the poor. Show mercy and forgive the injury caused by your neighbor.
9)*Avoid what is evil and hold on to what is good.
10)*Be considerate.
11)*Be zealous in fulfilling your duties and obligations.
12)*Be fervent in the Spirit and serve the Lord.
13)*Be patient in trials.
14)*Pray unceasingly to the God who is unseen.
15)*Bless those who persecute you.
16)*Bless and do not wish evil on anyone.
17)*Learn to emphatize with your neighbor.
18)*Live in peace.
19)*Be contented with what you have. The happiest people don't have the best of everything -- rather they make the best of every thing they have in life.
20)*Be humble and do not hold yourselves as wise. For only God is wise.
21)*Do not return evil for evil.
22)*Do your best to live peacefully and harmoniously with nature, and with your neighbor.
23)*Remember what the Holy Scriptures says: "Vengeance is the Lord's. God will repay."
24)*Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
25)*Do not let evil defeat you, but conquer evil with goodness.

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