Thursday, September 12, 2013


"The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith and of Christian life. God alone can make it known to us by revealing himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit." (Catechism of the Catholic Church #261 p.79)

The knowledge of the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the summit and the central core mystery of the Catholic faith. It is this knowledge inspired by God that fathoms the mystery of all mysteries where God exposes his own divinity in such a way that the nature of his infinite goodness surpasses all human understanding. The infinite God who governs all things and draws everything to himself authors the history of man and guides the hands of time in such a way that not all men succeeds or fails in the crucial events of human history. The book of prophet Jeremiah speaks of a nation covenanted with God. Here in Chapter thirty-first (Ch.31) of the book of Jeremiah God speaks of the coming days where he will establish a new covenant with Israel: "I will put my Law within them and write it on their hearts; I will be their God and they will be my people." (Jeremiah 31:33)

"I will be their God and they will be my people." If indeed the unfolding of human history is the result of the revelations of God's plan for the human race, it is God who takes the first initiative touching the lives of his people and writing his Laws into their hearts. Hence, the sporadic understanding of the divine works of God and the primary key to the knowledge of the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is made manifested and only accessible through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as God chooses to reveal himself to the human race.

A little glimpse of the eternal truths as found in the "treasure houses" of the Church gives light to the puny mind of who is most worthy to receive God. It is not by their own merit, supernatural power, spiritual understanding, or eternal perfection that the Holy Angels of God are made worthy to receive the Supreme Godhead, rather it is the making of the Most High God himself so that no one in his wondrous creations may boast before God. God himself is the most worthy of all spiritual beings to receive the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Henceforth, the only Godhead or Spiritual Being who is most worthy to receive the Father in his infinite majesty is the Son and the Holy Spirit. In the same understanding, the only Godhead who is most worthy to receive the Son in the fullness of his divinity is the Father and the Holy Spirit. Similarly the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, is consubstantial to the Father and the Son and he is most worthily receive in his infinite wisdom by both the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus, there is equality, unity and perfect harmony in the Blessed Trinity.

Finally, a glimpse to the unfathomable mystery of the perfect union of the undivided Trinity remains incomprehensible to the human senses which can only be comprehended by human intelligence through actual experience of the living God as inspired by the Holy Spirit in the series unfolding of human events.

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