Wednesday, July 11, 2012


“God gave us intellect and freewill to govern ourselves. He loved us so much that he gave us "freedom" through his Son Jesus Christ and made us stewards of the Earth. Looking back in the Old Testament, we're like the two birds depicted in the biblical story of Noah's Ark. Some of us were good (and used our freedom wisely) and went back to God to seek him intensely; to know him fully; to love him deeply; and to serve him selflessly in others. But some were also foolish and used their freedom blatantly to sustain the cravings of their flesh, the greed of their eyes, and boasting their superiority before God by fault they failed to acknowledge their humble beginnings and suffer the bondage of spiritual ignorance - an eternal separation from God.”


Drawing their strength from wickedness, the ungodly speaks to themselves –- “*There is no God...They are corrupt, their ways are wicked; not one of them does good.” (*Psalm 53). So they’ve boasted all day long while they plotted evil crimes every day. They loved evil more than good, and falsehood more than truth. They use words that inflict harm, while “*slandering God” (*Mark 3: 28-29)and plotting evil crimes against the Holy Spirit. Proud and full of malice, they said to themselves, “Where is God?” and boastfully they shout with these words: “There is no God but us.” And so they gather their forces, “*making plans which are not God’s and they form alliances, and thus they add sin upon sin.” (Isaiah 30:1). Full of pride and wickedness, they said to one another, “let us plunder the earth, abuse the women, exploit the children, and murder their saints.” And to the good servants they seduced them saying, “join us and we’ll take dominion of the world.”

“*From heaven God looks down upon the people, to see if there is anyone who seeks God and understands.” (*Psalm 53:3). "The good things that people experiences on earth did not lead them to the knowledge of Him who is" (Wisdom 13:1-10):

    “*They were interested in his works, but they did not recognize the author of them. **Fire, wind, air, the sphere of the stars, rushing water and the lights in the sky were held as the rulers of the world. ***If, charmed by such beauty, they took them for gods, let them know how far superior is their sovereign. And if they were impressed by their power and activity, let them understand from this how much mightier is he who formed them. For the grandeur and beauty of creatures lead us to ponder on their Author, greater and more magnificent.” –-(*Wisdom 13:1-10)

And to their corrupt leaders, “*...they enact unjust laws and issue oppressive decrees. They rob the poor of their rights and deprive the helpless of justice.” (Isaiah 10:1-2). Will this evil generation never learn? They devour the people of God just as they devour food on the table. They prefer to hide in darkness while ignoring the truth. But if ignorance is darkness, then how dark it must be for those who prefer darkness than light.

In the last days God will judge the earth with justice. “*And the ‘Sun’ will be darkened and the ‘Moon’ will turn red as blood before the great and glorious Day of the Lord.” (*Acts 2:20, Joel 3:3-5)

Then, "the saints will exult in triumph even at right on their couches...singing songs of praise to God the Most High." “*And in their hands two-edged swords...(*Psalm 149:6), and pointiest spears that deeply penetrates even to the most invincible armor. “To wreak vengeance on the nations and punishment on the peoples, to bind their kings in chains and their nobles in iron fetters, to execute on them the written sentence... (Psalm 149:7-9) “*MENE, MENE, TEKEL” (Daniel 5:24-25)
“*This is the glory of all his saints. Alleluia” (Psalm 149:9)


Sources: Christian Community Bible: Catholic Pastoral Edition, 47th Ed./ The New American Bible, c1991.

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