Sunday, October 27, 2013


Sirach 34: 20-22

"Offering to God from what belongs to the poor is like slaughtering a son in the presence of his father."
     "Bread is life to the poor; he who takes it from them is a murderer. He who deprives others of a livelihood kills them, and whoever withdraws the salary of a worker is guilty of blood."

Source: Christian Community Bible: Catholic Pastoral Edition, 47th Ed.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


"The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith and of Christian life. God alone can make it known to us by revealing himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit." (Catechism of the Catholic Church #261 p.79)

The knowledge of the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the summit and the central core mystery of the Catholic faith. It is this knowledge inspired by God that fathoms the mystery of all mysteries where God exposes his own divinity in such a way that the nature of his infinite goodness surpasses all human understanding. The infinite God who governs all things and draws everything to himself authors the history of man and guides the hands of time in such a way that not all men succeeds or fails in the crucial events of human history. The book of prophet Jeremiah speaks of a nation covenanted with God. Here in Chapter thirty-first (Ch.31) of the book of Jeremiah God speaks of the coming days where he will establish a new covenant with Israel: "I will put my Law within them and write it on their hearts; I will be their God and they will be my people." (Jeremiah 31:33)

"I will be their God and they will be my people." If indeed the unfolding of human history is the result of the revelations of God's plan for the human race, it is God who takes the first initiative touching the lives of his people and writing his Laws into their hearts. Hence, the sporadic understanding of the divine works of God and the primary key to the knowledge of the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is made manifested and only accessible through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as God chooses to reveal himself to the human race.

A little glimpse of the eternal truths as found in the "treasure houses" of the Church gives light to the puny mind of who is most worthy to receive God. It is not by their own merit, supernatural power, spiritual understanding, or eternal perfection that the Holy Angels of God are made worthy to receive the Supreme Godhead, rather it is the making of the Most High God himself so that no one in his wondrous creations may boast before God. God himself is the most worthy of all spiritual beings to receive the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Henceforth, the only Godhead or Spiritual Being who is most worthy to receive the Father in his infinite majesty is the Son and the Holy Spirit. In the same understanding, the only Godhead who is most worthy to receive the Son in the fullness of his divinity is the Father and the Holy Spirit. Similarly the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, is consubstantial to the Father and the Son and he is most worthily receive in his infinite wisdom by both the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus, there is equality, unity and perfect harmony in the Blessed Trinity.

Finally, a glimpse to the unfathomable mystery of the perfect union of the undivided Trinity remains incomprehensible to the human senses which can only be comprehended by human intelligence through actual experience of the living God as inspired by the Holy Spirit in the series unfolding of human events.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


This post is final. Other posts/drafts are subject to change. - Lex Luces
Sirach Ch 2:1-2,4-5

"*My Son, if you have decided to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for trials. Keep your heart upright and remain resolute; do not be upset in the time of adversity. *Accept all that happens to you, be patient when you are humbled, for as gold is tested in the fire, so those acceptable to God are tested in the crucible of humiliation."

Source: Christian Community Bible: Catholic Pastoral Edition, 47th Ed., p.1129

Sunday, July 14, 2013


I have lived in a walled city with no opening doors, until Wisdom found me. Little by little she painstakingly dismantled the fortified City walls until it collapsed placidly. As I heard the high walls crumbled to the ground and shattered into dust -- Alas, I cried out loud, “I’m free at last." Not knowing what to do, or where I go I asked myself -- "What road should I thread?" Shall I move straight ahead, or wait until I figured out the route. Like a lamb without a shepherd I ventured on my journey into the path of less traveled road.
The future's bleak and the road ahead is dark and murky. I was desperate to see my history before it ends on judgment day. I needed someone’s help. I was completely lost and I needed somebody who can guide me and teach me what life should be. So I asked the help of a friend. One day while I was in the boat fishing by the lake, Wisdom found me. She appeared to me and she told me that it was the best opportune time for me to rediscover and revivify my Catholic faith.  
Looking back in history, I went to College in the year 1993, and I took Philosophy. I find philosophical studies quite hard and intoxicating. I was exposed to the different abstruse works of existentialist philosophers and atheists. Their great influence  caused me to loss my faith but not abandoning my religion. A flaming sword pierced into my thirsting soul. Years later I became somewhat indifferent to my religious beliefs. It was an absurdity to embrace Atheism. But my rebellious tendencies and radical ideologies drove me far away from the Church. My College life gradually turned upside down, and I started to become bitter. As I moved along with my life, I experienced void and desolation. My despicable life and unrepented sins had brought forth a curse -- an illness that crippled my human spirit. In the year 2000, after a traumatic experience with the demonic I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia -- an incurable disease. "All the forces of hell were pressing on my shoulders", as Fr. John Corapi, SOLT noted. While  demons manifested and continue to manifests in bodily form,  they started to assault tormenting me with intimidation, harsh words, spiritual and physical afflictions,  and innumerable accusations. A melancholic thought saddened me, God was no longer there to protect me. As God hid his face from me, the beacon of light fades away and total darkness has engulfed me.    
Human life is simple. And it is fragile and short. While doing my yearly self-appraisal, I realized I had little time with my life. There were so many things I needed to accomplish. Some of those were forgotten dreams. “Will I succeed?” I asked myself. A little voice echoed low to my ears, “success is never ending, failure is never final.”

I guess life is very short for us to waste, and it gets shorter every day. So I have decided to treasure every relationship and value every person that comes my way. “Make it count,” the wise men said. “And live every moment of your life as if it was your last.” So I gathered my scattered thoughts and decided to pursue the things that matters most: love, faith, hope, humility, simplicity, trust, respect, friendship and fidelity, and the absolute truth that bothers me.
One day I went to a Chapel to pray. Before the Sacred Host I pondered on my inner thoughts, and later realized where I was then. I could hardly imagine how the truth can easily be subverted by some intellectuals like the Atheists. And it pains me to find out how I was blinded and deceived by my atheistic philosophies. How the devil concealed the truth for centuries. For years the truth was left unheard in many places where God weeps. While half-truths and lies were widespread across the world like a plague infecting every person's brain like a dreaded disease. Upon the other hand, the world is full of twist and uncertainties and most people care only about making profits. How to get wealthy, store (worldly) treasures, and control earth’s resources were often the objectives of many.
My pillow was soaked in tears while I chilled in the coldest nights. I wish I could cry and shed more tears. I wish I could cry for help. I wish I could cry for others too. I wish this crown of thorns will wither. I wish this wound will heal. I wish the devil would take back his curses, and make it void the spells he casts upon me.
The image of Christ in children working at the garbage mountain reveals how empty and desolate is my life. The precedence of moral indifference and hedonism has brought forth what seemingly a despicable unwanted life experiences. I was appalled by the horrifying condition of my life, henceforth I made a resolution -- that I will follow the path of truth and traverse where the devil fears to thread. I will join the fight for religious freedom. I will battle the war of the gods and men. I will fight the good fight. I will sail the seven seas. Climb the highest mountains. Cross the barren deserts. I will fly high above the clouds. And venture into deep space. In the vast horizon I will marvel at the beauty of God’s creation and explore the endless universe. There is no turning back here, and surrender is not an option.
But this crown of thorns has weakened me. As I lay in bed at night I dream, I dream I was a royal Knight who is attracted to Jesus Christ. One day, the King of Salem summoned me and asked me to serve him faithfully. But his eyes were sad and in a plaintive voice he spoke these words to me, “your close friend Chastity was raped and murdered by the enemy.” An ocean of tears dropped from my eyes as I was robbed of purity. Enraged I want to kill somebody, so I said I’ll join the fight today. Hoping to come back safe at night some soldiers lost their company. The battlefield was engulfed in thick smog. I could hardly see the enemy in front of me. While the hungry vultures gathered in one place, waiting for the opportunity to eat a dead man's body. Alas, I’ve seen the enemy. He’s laying dead and he looked just like me. But when I came to grab his sword, a burning arrow hit my breast. Then, I lost my consciousness. As I feel down I heard a voice…”wake up, wake up, you are not dead.” Above my head I saw a man in faded white tattered robe. I could barely see his face for now. His withered hands gently touched my wounded chest. He was a Knight just like me. But he was very old. He wore no armour, neither a helmet nor a sword. Then my memory flashed back at me -- I could hardly remember who I was, or where I was. Then I was taken aback of what I’ve witnessed next -- the old Knight held an ancient Bible in his hands and a blessed Crucifix on his chest. He was praying Latin in a little voice before whispering these words to me: “You need a Saviour, Son” he said. “Could you be my Saviour”, I replied. “Could you be the Messiah in disguise?”
*Check out this video: Could You Be Messiah by Gary Valenciano



"All warfare is based on a deep abiding trust in God who controls our fate and the destiny of the entire human race." --*Unknown

Studying the principles of Spiritual Warfare is not an option for the Catholics. "We are at War" (Gen.3:15, Rev.12:17) and the enemy is becoming more cunning and pugnacious than ever before.  

In the New Testament (NT) our Lord Jesus Christ clearly stated that "a nation that is divided cannot stand" (Mt.12:25, Lk.11:17). While in the "Book of Revelation", St. John wrote, "the dragon and his angels were cast out from heaven and were thrown down upon the Earth" (Rev.12:8-9). Then, the dragon vent his anger on the human race (Rev.12:17).  Satan and his demons take no distinction between people who are good and those who are evil; between pagans and Catholics. The devil and his cohorts of darkness advances waging war against humanity without any exception to race, sex, color, or age.

It is a melancholic note that we are a divided nation, a divided human race (in reference to the Holy Scriptures). We are divided by our cultural differences, ideologies, and religious beliefs. And worst, not all of us have a perfect and fervent faith in God Most High. Some people don't believe in Jesus Christ. While we are divided, Satan and his fallen angels continued to demonize the world transforming every unprepared Christian into a "zombie like character" like a mobile computer manipulated and controlled subject to be disposed. While we are divided by our cultural differences and religious beliefs, the dragon and his demons continued to fortify their foothold on Earth. They prowl throughout the world seeking to snatch innocent souls from God, murdering our saints, and destroying our lives.

Check out this video: The Seven Principles of Spiritual Warfare by Fr. Mark Goring

[**This lecture on "Spiritual Warfare" was given by Fr. Mark Goring at the Catholic Charismatic Center in Houston, Texas (July 2012)].


Saturday, July 13, 2013


1) I will put an end to vices and other sinful habits.

2) I will do my best to live a good holy life pleasing and acceptable to God.

3) I will participate and receive the Holy Eucharist, and read the Holy Scriptures devotedly.

4) I will practice Chastity, Detachment, and Obedience to God and His Church.

5) I will stay sober and alert knowing that the enemy is prowling like a ferocious lion looking for a prey. 

6) I will be zealous in my work and fervent in spirit.

7) I will practice gratitude in every way, and focus my thoughts on good beautiful things.

8) I will live harmoniously with nature, and do necessary steps to help protect and preserve the environment securing the planet as a common shelter for man and animals and other species.

9) I will focus on my circle of influence in order to live a proactive life inside-out.

10) I will care deeply, speak gently, give generously, pray reverently, love unconditionally, and live simply.

Just for today, I will...

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


When a dream or thought is from God:

--*It inspires...
--*It encourages...
--*It directs...
--*It guides...
--*It instructs...
--*It assures...
--*It comforts...
--*It corrects...
--*It reveals...
--*It liberates...
--*It enlighten... 

Most people are not aware of the existence of Angels in the Universe. Though people know their existence as found in the Holy Scriptures, however a number of people are still not aware of their great influence and control (e.g. the fallen angels who seek to dominate, control, and manipulate the mental faculties of a person) over the human intellect especially in cases where a man's decision affects many lives. On the other hand, the Holy Angels intercede and communicate with people through the human "psyche" and "conscience" and does not manipulate or control a person's mind. Rather they speak and reveal to people what God's infinite love and mercy through astounding charitable  ideas and inspiration that moved and changed humanity to live to their highest ideals. Thus, the experiences and deep understanding of peace, love, and justice  are often attributed to the Holy Angels who served as heralds, warriors, and messengers of God. 

Friday, March 22, 2013


The God I know -- is greater than what my pen can write.
The God I know -- is greater than what my mind can hold.
The God I know -- is greater than what my reason can fathom, or understand.
The God I know -- is greater than what my eyes have seen.
The God I know -- is greater than what my ears have heard.
The God I know -- is greater than what my tongue have spoken.
The God I know -- is greater than what my soul confessed.
The God I know -- is greater than the thoughts of my heart.

The God I know -- is greater than all the abstruse works in religion and philosophy.

The God I know -- cannot be confine within the repositories of religious understanding, or within the frameworks of good and evil...but simply what is beyond the highest good.

The God I know is ...

Saturday, March 9, 2013


It was in the month of November 2011, when I started to write on a  piece of paper the impeccable lessons I learned from reading the "Letters of St. Paul to the Romans." The following are the "25 Impeccable Lessons" I learned from the Letters of St. Paul to the Romans, Chapter 12 (some insights were added as inspired by the "Lectio Divina":
1)*Do not be blinded by worldly delights. Do not let yourself be shaped or influenced by the world where you live.
2)*Life is always in constant repair. Be transformed through the renewal of your mind. Renew your life everyday.
3)*Discern the "Will" of God: What is pleasing, good, and perfect.
4)*Do not be pretentious. Be honest in person inside-out.
5)*Do not be a judge to your neighbor. Stop being judgmental to others.
6)*Stay sober and alert. Practice moderation especially in food and drinks.
7)*Sincerely, be concerned for the good of others.
8)*Be humble and compassionate in dealing with others especially the poor. Show mercy and forgive the injury caused by your neighbor.
9)*Avoid what is evil and hold on to what is good.
10)*Be considerate.
11)*Be zealous in fulfilling your duties and obligations.
12)*Be fervent in the Spirit and serve the Lord.
13)*Be patient in trials.
14)*Pray unceasingly to the God who is unseen.
15)*Bless those who persecute you.
16)*Bless and do not wish evil on anyone.
17)*Learn to emphatize with your neighbor.
18)*Live in peace.
19)*Be contented with what you have. The happiest people don't have the best of everything -- rather they make the best of every thing they have in life.
20)*Be humble and do not hold yourselves as wise. For only God is wise.
21)*Do not return evil for evil.
22)*Do your best to live peacefully and harmoniously with nature, and with your neighbor.
23)*Remember what the Holy Scriptures says: "Vengeance is the Lord's. God will repay."
24)*Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
25)*Do not let evil defeat you, but conquer evil with goodness.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


The Church is an infallible institution of Faith. It is the extension of Heaven -- the Kingdom of Eternal Bliss.

When people enter the Church, they enter into a new realm of faith. A new spiritual dimension where the sacred norms, traditions and cultural practices are separate and distinct from the secular world. Noticeably, an "error" is committed every time we bring with us the cultural and behavioral biases of the outside world inside the Church. When we come to worship God in his holy place (e.g. the Church) we should wear the proper festal garment (Matthew 22:2-14) while leaving behind the garbage of sin and the sinful habits we incur in life, the human vices and the moral defects we love to cling to, the inordinate passions of the flesh and all its cravings; and with a contrite and humble heart surrendering ourselves and everything completely to God without reservations by absolute trust in God alone. Thus, we may be able to perfectly commune with God in celebrating the Holy Eucharist with the faithful and all His Saints -- glorifying and praising God in His Church for endless ages...